COMMISSIONS (trading fees)
In effect as of November 1st, 2023.
Tipo de operación | Internet | Asesor | Mínimo |
Compra/Venta de acciones y Cedears | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | - |
Compra/Venta de Títulos Públicos | 0,60% | Máx. de hasta 1,5% | - |
Compra/Venta de Tít. Privados Renta Fija (ON, Fid. Financieros, VCP) | 0,60% | Máx. de hasta 1,5% | - |
Compra/Venta de Opciones | 1% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 2,5% + IVA | - |
Ejercicio de Opciones | 0,6% + IVA (de corresponder) | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA (de corresponder) | - |
Compra/Venta/Vencimiento de Futuros y Derivados Financieros | 0,5% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | - |
Licitacion de Letras en Dólares | 0,2% anual | Máx. de hasta 0,5% | - |
Licitación de Letras y Notas en Pesos | 1,5% anual | Máx. de hasta 2% | - |
Compra/Venta de Letras y Notas en Pesos | 0,20% | Máx. de hasta 2% | - |
Compra/Venta de Letras y Notas en Dolares | 1,00% | Máx. de hasta 2% | - |
Caución Bursátil Tomadora en Pesos | ND | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | - |
Caución Bursátil Colocadora en Pesos | 2% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | - |
Caución Bursátil Tomadora en Dólares | ND | Máx. de hasta 3% + IVA anual | - |
Caución Bursátil Colocadora en Dólares | Hasta 1% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 3% + IVA anual | - |
Operación Circ. 3368 (Op. En Tít. Val. Sin cotización o por licitación) | ND | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA | - |
Compra de Factura de Crédito Electrónica | Hasta 3% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | - |
Venta de Factura de Crédito Electrónica | Hasta 3% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | $250 + IVA |
Compra de Cheques de Pago Diferido | Hasta 3% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | - |
Venta de Cheques de Pago Diferido | Hasta 3% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | $250 + IVA |
Compra de Pagaré Bursátil | Hasta 3% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | - |
Venta de Pagaré Bursátil | Hasta 3% + IVA anual | Máx. de hasta 5% + IVA anual | $250 + IVA |
Licitación de Fideicomisos / Ob. Negociables / Acciones / Bonos | 1,5% + IVA (de corresponder) | Máx. de hasta 2% + IVA (de corresponder) | - |
Préstamos para Venta en Corto | ND | Máx. de hasta 0,4% prorrata 90 días + IVA | - |
Préstamos Colocador Tít. / Pases Colocadores / Préstamos de Val. Colocador | ND | Máx. de hasta 0,4% prorrata 90 días + IVA | - |
Préstamos Tomador Tít. / Pases Tomadores / Préstamos de Val. Tomador | ND | Máx. de hasta 0,4% prorrata 90 días + IVA | - |
Compra/Venta FCI exterior | Máx. de hasta 2% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 2% + IVA | USD 50 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de Acciones / ETFs del exterior | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 35 + IVA |
DAY TRADING (2): trading fees at a discount
(1) The trading right fees of the Market applicable to transactions set by Bolsas y Mercados de Argentina S.A., Matba Rofex S.A., Mercado Argentino de Valores S.A., and Mercado Abierto Electrónico S.A., in effect at the moment of carrying out the transaction, according to what is published on,, and must be added to the aforementioned fees and commissions.
(2) If assets are purchased and sold on the same day (Day Trading), the transaction carried out at the lower price will get a 100% discount on the fees. This benefit will apply only to transactions carried out on the Local Market. Operations carried out in settlement periods and/or different currencies, as well as market rights and V.A.T. on said rights are not included in the aforementioned benefit. Discounts are applied at market closing time. General note: commissions may be charged in the currency in which each transaction has been paid/collected. If the currency is the U.S. dollar, the exchange rate applied will be that related to Communication A3500 of the previous day. The costs applied in Euros will be settled in ARS at the exchange rate of the Argentinian National Bank for sale operations of the relevant day.
(2) If assets are purchased and sold on the same day (Day Trading), the transaction carried out at the lower price will get a 100% discount on the fees. This benefit will apply only to transactions carried out on the Local Market. Operations carried out in settlement periods and/or different currencies, as well as market rights and V.A.T. on said rights are not included in the aforementioned benefit. Discounts are applied at market closing time. General note: commissions may be charged in the currency in which each transaction has been paid/collected. If the currency is the U.S. dollar, the exchange rate applied will be that related to Communication A3500 of the previous day. The costs applied in Euros will be settled in ARS at the exchange rate of the Argentinian National Bank for sale operations of the relevant day.
Tipo de operación | Internet | Asesor | Mínimo |
Compra/Venta de Acciones Nasdaq, NYSE, NYSE (AMEX/ARCA) - Precio mayor a USD 5 | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 10 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de Acciones Nasdaq, NYSE, NYSE (AMEX/ARCA) - Precio menor a USD 5 | USD 0,04 por Accion + IVA | Máx. de hasta USD 0,06 por acción + IVA | USD 10 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de Acciones - Hong Kong | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 20 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de Acciones - Otros Mercados | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 10 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de ETFs del exterior - Precio mayor a USD 5 | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 10 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de ETFs del exterior - Precio menor a USD 5 | USD 0,04 por ETF + IVA | Máx. de hasta USD 0,06 por ETF + IVA | USD 10 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de Bonos Estados Unidos (Gobierno) | 0,1% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 100 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de Bonos Europa (Gobierno) | 0,1% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 100 + IVA |
Compra/Venta de otros Bonos del exterior | 0,6% + IVA | Máx. de hasta 1,5% + IVA | USD 75 + IVA |
Compra/Venta Opciones del exterior | USD 2,625 por lote + IVA | Máx. de hasta USD 4 por lote + IVA | - |
(3) Fees, commissions and costs set by the intermediary, or foreign entity and foreign markets through which the transactions are carried out (as they are informed before their delivery) must be added to the aforementioned fees and commissions.
General Note: commissions may be charged in the currency in which each transaction has been paid/collected. If the currency is the U.S. dollar, the exchange rate applied will be that related to Communication A3500 of the previous day. The costs applied in Euros will be settled in ARS at the exchange rate of the Argentinian National Bank for sale operations of the relevant day.
General Note: commissions may be charged in the currency in which each transaction has been paid/collected. If the currency is the U.S. dollar, the exchange rate applied will be that related to Communication A3500 of the previous day. The costs applied in Euros will be settled in ARS at the exchange rate of the Argentinian National Bank for sale operations of the relevant day.
Tipo de operación | Costo | Minimo | ||
Dividendos y Revalúo de Títulos Privados | 1% + IVA | - | ||
Rentas de Títulos Públicos (emitidos por el Estado Nacional) | 0,70% | - | ||
Rentas de otros Títulos | 0,70% (5) | - | ||
Amortizaciones de Títulos Públicos | 0,26% | - | ||
Amortizaciones de Títulos Privados | 0,26% + IVA | - | ||
Canjes de Títulos Valores | Hasta 2% + IVA | - | ||
Suscripciones de Títulos Valores | Hasta 1,5% | - | ||
Gastos de Conversión (cancelación o emisión) de CEDEARs y ADRs | 50 Euros + IVA + Costos fijos y variables del Agente de Conversión | - | ||
Depósitos | bloque5.listData.8.asesor | bloque5.listData.8.minimo | ||
Transferencia electrónica | Sin cargo (6) | - | ||
Depósitos en cheque en nuestras oficinas | Sin cargo (7) | - | ||
Transferencia de titulos | bloque5.listData.11.asesor | bloque5.listData.11.minimo | ||
Transferencia de otro depositante de Caja de Valores | Sin cargo | - | ||
Transferencia interna de Títulos | Sin cargo | - | ||
Transferencia a otro depositante en Caja de Valores | $100 + IVA por especie | - | ||
Transferencias a otras depositarias exteriores / Cambio de Depositante | Hasta 100 Euros + IVA por especie | - | ||
Extracciones | bloque5.listData.16.asesor | bloque5.listData.16.minimo | ||
Transferencia a cuenta vinculada en Pesos | Sin cargo | - | ||
Transferencia a cuenta vinculada en Dólares (local) | Sin cargo | - | ||
Transferencia a cuenta vinculada en Dólares (exterior) mayor a USD 5.000 | Sin cargo | - | ||
Transferencia a cuenta vinculada en Dólares (exterior) menor a USD 5.000 | USD 50 | - | ||
Cheque | $100 + IVA | - | ||
Euros | $100 + IVA | - | ||
Certificados de tenencia de acciones | $100 + IVA | - | ||
Impresión de boletos | Sin cargo | - | ||
Operatoria PPI GLOBAL | bloque5.listData.25.asesor | bloque5.listData.25.minimo | ||
Suscripción a precios en tiempo real (Acciones, ETFs) | Con costo (8) | - |
(4) Fees, commissions and costs set by the intermediary, or local /foreign entity and local /foreign markets through which the transactions are carried out (as they are informed before their delivery), and those set by the “Caja de Valores S.A.” or “Argentina Clearing y Registro S.A.” in accordance with the publication in and must be added to the aforementioned fees and commissions.
(5) Submission of W8 for income tax events and amortization of T-Bills and T-Notes; 200 Euros per event.
(6) There may be implicit expenses in international transfers if they are made by the paying bank.
(7) PThey may apply valores al cobro* for checks from other locations other than CABA up to 1%.
(8) It will be related to the monthly cost set by the intermediary, or foreign entity and foreign markets as they are reported before being underwritten.
General Note: commissions may be charged in the currency in which each transaction has been paid/collected. If the currency is the U.S. dollar, the exchange rate applied will be that related to Communication A3500 of the previous day. The costs applied in Euros will be settled in ARS at the exchange rate of the Argentinian National Bank for sale operations of the relevant day.
*valores al cobro: checks from locations where clearing is not available
(5) Submission of W8 for income tax events and amortization of T-Bills and T-Notes; 200 Euros per event.
(6) There may be implicit expenses in international transfers if they are made by the paying bank.
(7) PThey may apply valores al cobro* for checks from other locations other than CABA up to 1%.
(8) It will be related to the monthly cost set by the intermediary, or foreign entity and foreign markets as they are reported before being underwritten.
General Note: commissions may be charged in the currency in which each transaction has been paid/collected. If the currency is the U.S. dollar, the exchange rate applied will be that related to Communication A3500 of the previous day. The costs applied in Euros will be settled in ARS at the exchange rate of the Argentinian National Bank for sale operations of the relevant day.
*valores al cobro: checks from locations where clearing is not available